showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardlanguage
Beyond Good & Evil Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montpellier)2003enlabelimagesubject
Spyro: A Hero's Tail Vivendi Universal Games (Eurocom)2004dut, en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
Rogue Galaxy  Sony (Level-5)2005en, jplabelimagesubject
Ōkami  Capcom (Clover Studio)2006en, fr, de, jplabelimagesubject
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning Vivendi Universal Games (Krome Studios)2006dut, en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Sierra Entertainment (Krome Studios)2007dut, en, fr, de, it, splabelimageminimize